Tag: Clarkson Admissions

Undergraduate Programs

Psychology at Clarkson: Why I Chose to Stay After The Clarkson School

Just one semester into my college career, I was sitting at a coffee shop in my hometown while on winter break. Clad in my Clarkson sweatshirt, a man approached me and asked if I attended Clarkson. It turned out that he had graduated from Clarkson a few years prior, and he asked about my field …

Uncategorized, Undergraduate Programs

Navigating the Transition: A Guide to Thriving in The Clarkson School

Carly LaBow sitting on the brick wall in her TCS graduation gown with her diploma

Embarking on the journey from high school to college can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. For those who are taking the step into the realm of higher education through The Clarkson School, the transition can be quite earlier than expected. However, this exhilarating adventure is filled with opportunities for personal and academic growth. Speaking from …

Undergraduate Programs

My Future Plans as a Psychology Major Who Attended The Clarkson School 

Two women sitting on the steps in the Student Center Forum holding a book

Hi, my name is Jordan Summerfield ’25, I’m 18 years old, and I’m from Framingham, Massachusetts. I am a current Psychology major with a double minor in Human Resource Management and Business Administration at Clarkson University, and I attended The Clarkson School (TCS) last year. The Clarkson School is a hands-on early college program, for …

Academics + Admission, Campus + Student Life, Living on Campus, Living-Learning Communities, Potsdam Community, The Clarkson School, Undergraduate Programs

Cracking the Code: What to Expect When Attending The Clarkson School

My name is Sarah Jane. I attended The Clarkson School (TCS) in 2020 and have since continued my studies here at Clarkson University. I have a double major in Psychology and Mathematical Economics with a minor in project management. As I’m in my last semester at Clarkson and approach graduation, I’ve been reflecting back on …

Undergraduate Programs

What to Expect: Orientation and Convocation for First-Year Students

The Golden Knight with a thumbs up standing on cheel lawn with the student center in the background

Orientation for students who are new to the Clarkson Family is a new and exciting experience. There are a lot of opportunities to meet new people, explore a new campus and local community, and so much to learn about Clarkson as well as your area of study. Orientation for new students is designed to be …

Undergraduate Programs

Clarkson University Dining Basics

Clarkson University strives to offer a variety of food to fit the needs and desires of all students. Our goal is to ignite a passion for food with an emphasis on providing innovative dining solutions that positively impact student success, health and fitness, and community engagement. Here is your guide to the Clarkson dining basics, …

Undergraduate Programs

Dear Future Golden Knights…

Deciding where to go to college is hard enough! Whether you have already submitted your deposit or still applying, sit back, relax, and take some advice and thoughts from some current Golden Knights of Clarkson University to help you make your decision! Why did you decide to Become a Golden Knight? “Clarkson is a great …

Undergraduate Programs

15 Questions I had before coming to Clarkson

After getting acceptance letters to all the colleges I applied to, I thought the hard part was over. However, it had just begun. It was a good problem to have – receiving acceptance letters from over ten colleges. But I was struggling with how to find which one was the right fit for me and …

Undergraduate Programs

8 Things To Do While Waiting for College Admissions Decisions

A close up of hands typing on a laptop in an office.

If you’re looking to attend college next fall, then chances are you’ve done your part by applying to colleges. The question you might be asking yourself is, so now what? How do you spend your time while you wait for decisions to roll in? We’ve got some ideas for you! 1. Stay Positive & Confident …

Undergraduate Programs

An Environmental Engineer Abroad

A Women standing on a balcony with the city skyline behind her

Going abroad for a semester is a huge part of Clarkson’s international culture. Many students choose to study in another country and experience a different lifestyle. While Business majors and Engineering & Management majors are required to have an international experience, studying abroad is available to all students. Mackenzie Peters, a Senior Environmental Engineering Major …