Category: Undergraduate Programs

Clarkson University stands as a beacon of excellence in undergraduate education, offering a rich tapestry of academic programs designed to shape students into future leaders. Renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, Clarkson boasts an extensive array of undergraduate degrees spanning various disciplines.

Students at Clarkson can select from a multitude of undergraduate education programs, including but not limited to engineering disciplines such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. For those inclined toward business, programs like Business Administration, Accounting, and Finance are available. The university also provides degrees in Science fields such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, alongside Health Sciences including Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant Studies. Furthermore, students can explore liberal arts disciplines like Psychology, History, and Political Science.

Central to Clarkson’s undergraduate education experience is its emphasis on hands-on learning opportunities. Through co-operative education placements, internships, and research projects, students gain practical experience and apply classroom theories to real-world scenarios. Strong partnerships with industry leaders ensure students have access to cutting-edge technology and invaluable networking opportunities, bolstering their career prospects upon graduation.

With small class sizes and dedicated faculty mentors, Clarkson fosters a supportive learning environment where students can thrive academically and personally. Beyond academics, the university offers a vibrant campus life enriched by a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations.

Clarkson University’s comprehensive undergraduate education programs, combined with its focus on experiential learning and supportive community, stand as a testament to its commitment to preparing students for success in their chosen fields and for making meaningful contributions to society.

Graduate Education, Undergraduate Programs

6 Ways to Position Yourself for a Promotion

A man writes in a notebook with his laptop in the background.

No matter how much you like your job, chances are a time will come when you want more. Adding responsibilities, challenges, and the accompanying income and stature is the natural next step in your career. But how do you make it happen? Here are six tips to position yourself for a promotion. Be a team …

Undergraduate Programs

Thriving in a North Country Winter

A group of student sledding down the hill on a wooden sled

As a Northern New York (NNY) native, I have faced firsthand the struggles of the North Country’s harsh winters. If this is the first you’re hearing of it, yes, we can get 7 feet of snow (and have! But not recently … ), and yes, the temperature can get well into the negatives. Don’t let …

Undergraduate Programs

Five Reasons I Love Engineering & Management at Clarkson

Hello readers! My name is Callie Lindsay and I am a senior Engineering & Management student here at Clarkson University. If you are a prospective student considering Clarkson or a current Clarkson student thinking about changing your major, I hope this blog can be of use to you! I can honestly say that choosing Clarkson …

Undergraduate Programs

Clarkson Ignite: New Spaces, New Opportunities

A two level view of the ERC

What will you do in college to chase your passion and prepare yourself for a lifetime of success? What will it take?  In a world where nearly half of all U.S. jobs are at risk of automation (Frey & Osborne, 2013), universities must create innovative content, delivery methods and programming to continue fostering talent that …

Undergraduate Programs

Clarkson University Engineering and Management (E&M) Program

Hey guys! My name is Kyaw Myo and I am a rising sophomore with engineering and management major here at Clarkson. If you are looking to learn more about the E&M program, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, I will be sharing what the program is all about, as well as share …

Undergraduate Programs

How to Build Your Professional Network

man in business suit selecting a person shaped icon out of a web of other icons

Hi everyone! My name is Kyaw Myo, and I am a rising sophomore with an engineering and management major at Clarkson University. If you are reading this, I assume you are someone who wants to start building your professional network or to take it to the next level. First, a little bit about me. I …

Undergraduate Programs

My Experience Studying Abroad with Clarkson

A picture of the roman colosseum

Hi, everyone! My name is Nick Kozsan ’21, and I am a rising junior at Clarkson University. I am an innovation & entrepreneurship major. Clarkson does a tremendous job encouraging studying abroad and experience different cultures all over the world. As a business student here, we are required to take at least one trip to …

Undergraduate Programs

Five Clubs You Might Not Know Exist at Clarkson

Several students carry another student in a kayak through a crowd of dozens of students at the Student Activities Fair.

It’s almost guaranteed that the variety of clubs at Clarkson offer something for you.

Undergraduate Programs

How I Chose Clarkson University’s Reh School of Business and Why I’m Glad I Did

Hi everyone! My name is Zachary Golden and I am currently a senior innovation and entrepreneurship major at Clarkson University. I’ve had an incredible experience at Clarkson, and I wanted to share with you why I decided to attend Clarkson, why I chose business as my area of study and what my journey has been …

Undergraduate Programs

Making the Most of Winter at Clarkson

A upward shot of a snowboard and a person in yellow snow pants with text on the bottom of the snowboard that reads Clarkson

Winter in the North Country can feel long, but there are plenty of ways to make the most of it.