Author: Erin Draper

Undergraduate Programs

Clarkson Ignite: New Spaces, New Opportunities

A two level view of the ERC

What will you do in college to chase your passion and prepare yourself for a lifetime of success? What will it take?  In a world where nearly half of all U.S. jobs are at risk of automation (Frey & Osborne, 2013), universities must create innovative content, delivery methods and programming to continue fostering talent that …

Undergraduate Programs

All About Clarkson Ignite

Artist rendering of the new renovations to be completed at Clarkson's Educational Resource Center

Hi All! My name is Erin Draper and I am the managing director of an exciting new initiative called Clarkson Ignite. I am also a double Clarkson alumna — I received my undergraduate degree in business administration and communications in 2003 and my Masters in Business Administration in 2014. Let me share some of the …